Principles of publishing ethics

The aim of these Theatrica Journal of Ethics Principles (hereinafter referred to as the „Principles“) is to prevent possible illegal and unethical practices at all stages of the publishing process.

By sending the manuscript to the publisher, the author confirms that his/her text is an original work that has not yet been published or sent for review to another publisher. The publisher considers any plagiarism, submission of identical or already published manuscripts, incorrect statements and false statements about the authorship and originality of the manuscript unethical and unacceptable. Unoriginal works and works that are plagiarized will not be published by the publisher.

It is not an obstacle to publication if the original version of the manuscript was published in the form of a Working PAPER, e.g. in the MUNI LAW Working Papers series.

The principles of publishing ethics are based on the sources of COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). The following obligations arise for authors, editors and reviewers under this Policy:

Duties of authors:

  1. the authors guarantee that the manuscript is their original work,
  2. follow the formal requirements set by the publisher, including rules for citing sources,
  3. observe the obligation to list all co-authors but at the same time not to list as a co-author someone who did not participate in the preparation of the manuscript,
  4. guarantee that the same manuscript has not been simultaneously sent for publication in another collection, monograph or journal,
  5. guarantee that the manuscript has not been published in the past, adhere to citation ethics and list all sources used, including the proper designation of secondary citations,
  6. undertake to notify the publisher of any doubt as to the originality and authorship of the manuscripts submitted.

Editorial duties:

  1. the Editorial Board is responsible for the overall content and quality of the journal, its professional focus and the diversity of articles,
  2. respects the requirement of originality,
  3. respects the fact that information concerning the publication (e.g. reviews) is confidential,
  4. prevents possible conflicts of interest of authors and reviewers,
  5. decides on the inclusion of manuscripts according to reviews, if it is a peer-reviewed section,
  6. ensures that when deciding on the inclusion of manuscripts, only their academic quality will be decisive, regardless of whether it is a manuscript requested by the editors or a manuscript for special or thematic issues,
  7. does not include in the journal a manuscript which is suspect of not being original, or is the result of plagiarism.

Reviewers‘ responsibilities:

  1. with their activities, reviewers contribute to the informed decision-making of the Editorial Board and to the improvement of the reviewed manuscripts through their impartial and constructive assessments performed by using factual and objective arguments and avoiding personal attacks on the author,
  2. follow the instructions of the publisher,
  3. respect the anonymity of the double blind peer review procedure and respect the confidential nature of information about the publication process,
  4. meet the deadlines set by the editors,
  5. avoid conflicts of interest or notify the publisher of such conflicts of interest in a timely manner,
  6. will always notify the Editorial Board when plagiarism is suspected.

Bratislava 24. 5. 2021